Monday, August 25, 2008

Dont take my heart and put it on a shelf

So I'm really tired. Like REALLY tired! But Ive had a good week/weekend. Moms birthday was Saturday, so we had a house full of people saturday night. But, it was fun seeing everyone!
I got to hang out with Bryce again Friday night! We went to his house to watch a movie, and ended up watching Spiderman 3 in high-def on his new PS3! He got so excited! It was so cute! But we were watching the movie, and people kept walking in and talking and whatnot, so nothign happend. But I met his friend Hayden, and he seems cool! I like Bryce, and he's a really nice guy. I just wish I knew how he really felt, ya know? He acts like he likes me sometimes, but other times, its like he cant be bothered. Boys are stupid.
Anyways! I'm gonna take a nap!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess what! I remembered you have a blog!

Actually I've remembered several times, I'm just lazy. Hence my current rather desperate homework situation.

So yeah dude. Yay blog stuff. I read them all. Boys are stupid. Lullaby is good. Shopping is... money-taking. Uh... yeah!

peace out