Monday, September 8, 2008

Insane ramblings: proceed with caution!

Is there really such a thing as destiny? Or is it just the succession of our decisions? Is there really a master plan for our lives? A perfectly mapped out journey with the appropriate rest stops? Does that even make sense?

I know I usually write some pretty lame things, but this might be a bit different. If you want, take a deep breath and keep reading.

Making one silly decision may lead you to your greatest accomplishment ever. Likeme taking Journalism my senior year. I only took it because I love Deb Davila, and I ended up winning anaward and perhaps finding my career! Little mistakes and decisions can affect your life, whether it be long term or short term. Catching the eye of that one cute guy could mean you've found your soulmate. But is it really destiny or something else? Are you really meant just one path for your life with no deviation? You can choose your path, but is it really you doing the choosing? And how do you know when fate steps in? What happens when you really do meet the one? Does the sky look bluer and the sun shine brighter? Or is that just hype? I took a chance on someone, he's really cool, but is it destiny that I meet him? Or did I take over my own destiny and choose for myself? I have so many questions, my head starts to spin and they seem to spill over into this blog. I'm really posing a lot of questions and answering none of them. Maybe we just get through life and that's all we can ask for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


1. We have free will; our decisions affect our lives.
2. There is a plan for the world.
3. Don't attempt to square # 1 with # 2, your head will explode.
4. There are no coincidences.
5. The people who say "what's meant to be will always find a way" are usually only thinking of the pleasant things that they WANT to come to pass. But if it's true for good stuff it can be true for crappiness too.
6. If you're Tolstoy, we're all cogs in a machine.
7. If you're Hume, we can't expect the future to resemble the past, so anticipating/projecting/rationalizing is all moot.
8. If you're me, you're tired, and don't know the answers, are just rambling because you rambled. :P